Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Now this is something that says a butt-load about our society....
A random bag of crap which has SOLD OUT! My husband changed my homepage to woot.com which he finds amusing and useful at times and one day they were just selling crap. And it sold out. I took a screen shot, but now can't find it, so I borrowed this photo, but still. This borrowed photo is from last year and I took a screen shot just a few weeks ago. So not only do people buy random crap, they do it continually. Oh yeah, and you can't just buy one, you have to buy three at a time. Really, people, do we not already have enough random crap in our lives. I'm just saying.....
I'm trying to declutter and scale back so this, to me, is mind blowing that someone would buy three of something and have no clue whatsoever what they are getting. I guess it is like the lottery, only it comes with clutter. Or a big screen TV...