We purchased beach set up service (living LARGE). When we got to the beach we had a nice set of chairs and umbrellas just waiting for us to lounge around on all day in the peaceful tranquility. Or, um, not so much tranquility. See, when you pay for beach service you don't get to pick your spot - they just set up chairs and stick names on them. We were sandwiched in between a group of about 30 teens (boys & girls) who were very rowdy and the flipside was a quartet of old bitches smoking like chimneys. Guess who we were downwind from? That was $115 of well spent money. To top it all off, when we went to the beach for the afternoon only we get there to find a pair of fat ass men sitting in our chairs (clearly labeled) and they were dripping wet. We walked up and stated that the chairs were ours, and the bastard is like "oh, yeah man, here ya go". He hops up and pretends to not notice that we are in clothes, not swim suits and can now not use the chairs that WE PAID FOR because of his sagging, dripping wet ass has covered them in water, sweat and sun oil. STUPID FUCKER! I absolutely HATE people who show no respect for others.
The teenagers topped off the lameness by accidentally letting their volleyball get away from them. The ball was rolling fast down the beach and totally smacked a lady sleeping in the sun right in the face. It scared her half to death and clearly hurt. The teens, instead of taking the high road and apologizing for a very clear ACCIDENT, scattered like cockroaches in the light. By the time the lady lifted her head they were all sitting in chairs, laying on towels or frolicking in the surf as if they had never played volleyball in their lives. COWARDS. DISRESPECTFUL LITTLE SHITS. I loved the fact that the lady then decided that if they were not going to own up to it she was going to keep the volleyball. She promptly placed it under her head as a pillow. I love it!!
More stupid people followed by the droves, but my favorite by far was at the Goodwill store in Santa Rosa Beach. As we were searching the shelves for used books to read on the beach I noticed a girl walking around in a bright yellow shirt with black lettering. The lettering appeared to have been spray painted on and said "GOD HATES YOU SINNERS". This was on the back. She then turned and I caught the front, "REPENT OR BURN IN HELL". Lovely. She definately got her point across. The BEST PART was her car which we found as we left the store. I had to take pictures, and the photo of the driver's door is not totally clear as I realized that someone was sitting in the car and I then began to fear for my life that I might be thought a WHOREMONGER and burned at the stake.
The driver's door says "Donations Accepted, give money to driver" (uh, yeah, right) - "10% Tithe Your Pastor Lied". The side doors say "REPENT or BURN in HELL the ???, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, WHOREMONGERS, ???, ??? and ALL LIARS shall have their part in the LAKE of FIRE". Then we go on to find out that God HATES Muslims, gays, the KKK and *gasp* SANTA CLAUS......

We laughed as we took the photos of how outrageous and radical this type of witness is, but really it is scary to know that there are people like this in the world. They are creating more hatred and harm.
It was very clear by the reactions of others in the parking lot that the message they are *trying* to convey is getting very lost in the extreme delivery. I give them credit for having the conviction to so openly display their belief, but I'd be willing to bet that more people are turned off by this display. People never cease to shock me and it just reminds me that it "takes all kinds". I find it hard to believe that living a life feeling hated by God can be fulfilling. Aren't we all sinners? No human can be perfect or divine, therefore, if God hates sinners, he hates us all. What a sad existence.
And to cleanse your palette of the rant I just posted, here are some pictures of my cute kids on the beach. This is what is washes away all the rage of the stupid people in the world...
