As much bitching as I've been doing, I actually have something pleasant to report. We returned to the American Girl store this past weekend and there was ZERO wait. The store was not even that crowded! I was in total shock, which allowed my children to take full on advantage of my wallet.
We went to the store at 7:30 pm on a Saturday and it was perfect! I was even massaged into the idea of letting one of the dolls get a massage & facial. We were also able to pop right into the bistro which is located inside the store and sit at the counter for milkshakes and smoothies. They normally take reservations only, but the counter was empty and they were in the process of closing. Since we were only getting dessert they let us go right in and we were attended to quite well.

The bistro decor is so pretty. It is very different from the restaurant in Chicago. Of course the main color is PINK, but it has nice high backed striped seating with pink, yellow and magenta and then the lighting was my absolute favorite! Above the dessert counter there are small faceted lights against a white trimmed out ceiling. It creates this brilliant gathering of sunbursts and it was beautiful. The faceted light covers reminded me of the doorknobs in my great grandmother's home.

Another really cool lighting display was above a table for a larger party. It was oversized pink flower petals with silver accents and bright bulbs. It was SO girlie, but I would love to have it. It was just beautiful.

So, while Karma should have kept me away from this place for many, many moons in relation to my previous ranting post, I was allowed to go and was SO pleasantly surprised. And they had beautiful CAKE, and I love CAKE!!

I made a stranger let me take a picture of their cake because it is reserved for birthday parties only, so the kick in the butt is that I could not have any cake. Though the girl may have given me a bite of hers, she only wanted the chocolate half. Of course, I'm now accepting donations for groceries because we spent all our money on more important stuff...

I made a stranger let me take a picture of their cake because it is reserved for birthday parties only, so the kick in the butt is that I could not have any cake. Though the girl may have given me a bite of hers, she only wanted the chocolate half. Of course, I'm now accepting donations for groceries because we spent all our money on more important stuff...